My Celebration of This Year and Goals for the Next One
The new year is a time to celebrate! And it's a time to reset and begin anew with focus, fervor, and hope. It's the perfect time to set exciting goals for the coming year. In this spirit, I've written a comprehensive, evidence-based guide to goal-setting, which you can read here.
As part of this process, I reviewed the growth, successes, and adventures I've had this past year. It was a huge year of growth and major life changes. I am amazed by how much I did in 2015!
In the past, I never celebrated my accomplishments. I never had birthday parties. Even as the only one of my parents' children to graduate college, there was no party or celebration.
I always felt like these things were a given, not a cause for celebration. But I hate to take anything for granted anymore. Looking back on my year, I feel so proud, and I want to CELEBRATE and share this amazing year with you!
Finance and Career
began a new career as a personal trainer
resigned from my desk job
started a blog
started a business
Love and Friendship
made several new female friendships
maintained a long-term relationship without issue
found some supportive and inspiring tribes of women online
Living Environment
got rid of my beloved belongings
packed my life into two suitcases
made a huge move across the globe to Thailand
I love myself!! For the first time in my life, I can say I love myself without my skin crawling. This could be my biggest, most important accomplishment.
began regular meditation and accessed the present
set real boundaries, stood up for and protected myself in difficult relationships
got over never being seen without makeup and posted 3 makeup-free photos on social media
became super open and vulnerable about my struggles online
Body and Health
made progress on explosive push ups
decreased alcohol consumption to almost nothing
eliminated sugar-free gum and candy
increased overall flexibility
conquered my fear of heights and became a rock climber
completed two awesome portraits
made time for many beautiful runs in magical neighborhoods and parks
visited Hong Kong
rode on a motorcycle for the first time, took several long rides in the country
After reviewing this past year, I could visualize how much can happen in a year's time. It made me excited to see how much I could achieve in the coming year. This is a year of new adventures, positivity, and building my business. Here are a few of the goals I'm going to demolish.
Finance and Career
become a certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist by February
create consistent high-quality content for blog
launch online course and individual coaching products
Love and Friendship
create and cultivate friendships in my new town
be more vulnerable in my love relationship
Living Environment
live as minimally as possible
move downtown
continue to foster self-love and self-care
establish centering, empowering morning and evening rituals
be present more often (live in the moment)
Body and Health
begin Muay Thai training
improve calisthenics (explosive pushups, handstands, pull ups)
improve pelvic flexibility (hips and hamstrings)
It is so important to look back at the progress you've made, and celebrate and be proud! Then look ahead and set goals! Goals are absolutely critical to success. My evidence-based, in-depth guide to goal-setting here will get you exactly where you want to go in the next year.
Though there were struggles and some difficult experiences, 2015 was a truly momentous year, and I can't wait to DEMOLISH my goals in 2016. Happy New Year!