9 Foods I Can't Live Without

I've made it my mission to live the healthiest life possible so that not only my body, but my brain and soul—which live IN my body!—can thrive. There are foods that have proven to be so powerfully vitalizing over the years that I crave them.

The foods I crave. The foods that give me life. The foods I can't go a day without. 

People ask me about what I eat a lot. I can’t say, “I’m a vegan!” or “I eat Paleo!” because I’m not a diet with a trendy name. I’m not on a diet at all, but I eat food, and the foods we eat every day is called our diet.

diet: food and drink habitually provided or consumed

These are the foods I need to eat on a regular basis. In a typical week, I eat them every single day. These foods make me happy, satiated, and energized. They make me feel so vitalized that other foods just aren’t nutritious enough for me.

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  1. broccoli

  2. kale

  3. cabbage

  4. salmon, tuna, or mackerel

  5. Greek yogurt

  6. chia seeds

  7. sunflower seeds

  8. almonds

  9. avocado

The Good Stuff

To me, these foods are magic. With these foods as the foundation of my diet, I am:

  • allowing all of my cells—muscles, organs, skin, hair, nails, and bones—to get the nutrients that regenerate and repair them;

  • avoiding constipation;

  • keeping off extra fat;

  • staying alert and mentally sharp;

  • protecting against cold and flu;

  • keeping my joints lubricated and healthy;

  • reducing inflammation;

  • treating depression and anxiety; and

  • preventing heart disease, cancer, and dementia.

I REALLY, REALLY love food. I'm extremely excited to eat this fresh seafood omelet of crab, shrimp, and scallops! Can you see the scallop pieces literally falling out of it?! Best. Omelet. Ever!

I REALLY, REALLY love food. I'm extremely excited to eat this fresh seafood omelet of crab, shrimp, and scallops! Can you see the scallop pieces literally falling out of it?! Best. Omelet. Ever!

No, I don’t get tired of eating the same thing all the time. Most people eat the same things over and over again. Plus, there is still plenty of variety in my diet. There’s always a dinner out, a date night, a party, a wedding to go to that provides variety and interest.

Some other super-nutritious foods that I love eating are sprouts (alfalfa or mung bean), mushrooms, ginger, maca, and spirulina. I eat these regularly but I don’t need and crave them like the ones on the list above. I add sprouts and mushrooms to my salad, and I love ginger, maca powder and spirulina in a fresh smoothie.

The Most Nutrition Per Bite

The goal of my diet is to get as much nutrition as possible with every bite. My magic foods have a high nutrient-density. This means that the ratio of nutrients to calories is very high. I’m getting lots of nutrition for fewer calories. Broccoli, kale, and cabbage have the most vitamins and minerals per calorie of any other food. That’s why they make me feel so energized and vibrant. Make them the basis of at least two meals a day for optimum health.

I eat raw almonds and raw sunflower seeds because of their healthy fat content. All nuts and seeds are high in healthy fats, but almonds and sunflower seeds are super packed with great vitamins and minerals. 

Fancy date night with delicious salmon, sauteed spinach, peas, onions, and mushrooms. Looks beautiful, tastes amazing, feels incredible! 

Fancy date night with delicious salmon, sauteed spinach, peas, onions, and mushrooms. Looks beautiful, tastes amazing, feels incredible! 


Typically, I eat the veggies on this list raw. There are nutrients in spinach, kale, and mushrooms that are not available for absorption until they the veggies are lightly cooked. So I sauté my mushrooms and sometimes my spinach. That way, I get the best of all the nutrition in my super nutrient-dense diet.

It’s also essential to eat the foods together for maximum nutrient absorption. I eat Greek yogurt with chia seeds. I eat a large salad of kale, broccoli, cabbage and any other vegetables I happen to have, with oily fish, either salmon, tuna, or mackerel, and top it with almonds, sunflower seeds, and avocado. I eat this meal several times during the day. The combination of these foods maximizes the ability of the body to absorb all of the amazing vitamins and minerals. Plus, the key combination of fat, protein, and fiber makes me full and satisfied.  

If you want to become healthier but have trouble imagining a life of kale and no sweets, just make little steps toward health. That's how I got here! And remember: the less sugar you eat, the less you will crave it. The more green veggies you eat, the more you will crave them.